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They Fight For Us, Now We Fight For Them

Hear From Our Soldiers and Families


"There were two liberating, consolidating and fun days in the workshop after an intense period in the reserves.

We did some yoga, processed all kinds of experiences from the time, ate well, laughed, played.

It was important for us as a team to do something that marks the end of the period that was and the workshop suited us."


- A Reservist in Duvdevan

Next week my son Tomer will return his equipment, marking the end of a significant and intensive service in the unit. Yesterday he returned from a few days in Tel Aviv of pampering and discussion circles with a psychologist from the foundation...

...We heard from him how important it was for him to process with the team the difficult past events. They, and only they understand and speak the same language. Only those who were with them in these past few years can understand and contain the situations, the feelings, the concerns, the fears, and the sigh of relief that everyone is back safely.

It is important to process the events in order not to "lose it" later.

So, thank you - to the professional, giving, and thoughtful team.

Thank you for being there for our children.

Thank you for cherishing them and hugging them.

Thank you for educating and assisting them through this emotional process accompanying their release that is so important for their mental health in the future.

You managed to touch them. You managed to touch us parents."

"The foundation, thanks to your support, has managed to provide (for the first time ever in the IDF in general) immediate support for soldiers in need.

Throughout the workshop, I saw in the eyes of the soldiers more understanding and processing and that their questions were being answered and this reassured me a lot as a commander, and this brought the process full-circle and showed that the operational activity is just as important as returning them home with a healthy mind...


...In the long term, the workshop gives the team a very important outlook and full-circle processing. It allowed the team members to be released as citizens after processing combat experiences, it allowed them to leave with more awareness and general knowledge about post-trauma, about the challenges it causes and most importantly about the importance of the team serving as a strong framework for many years to come!

Many thanks to the people who really gave and invested their time for the best of the team members.

"Your contribution is our smile."

Officer of Team 80 + Members of Team 80 🍒🍒

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